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NCRS Dutch Chapter News

17 February 2007: Dutch Chapter clubhouse opening and Tech session 2007 were a big success

After 4 months of reconstructing and decorating by Theo, Rene' and Sander the clubhouse was last week completely ready for the opening. On Friday the last bits and pieces were arranged and the cars of Sander and Rob were parked on location.

By telephone Mike guided our British gues Chris in the direction of the Zaanstreek and after having spend several hours in Dutch traffic jams Chris finally arrived at 6 pm at the Zaansche Schans. After checking in in the Hotel the special car was dropped at the Clubhouse.

The next morning the board was already on location at 9 am to connect the computers and organize the last things. The first guests arrived around 10 am. The heroes of the day were Piet and Ruud because they drove with their C1 and C2 from the south and east side of the country especially to Wormer.

After a brief introduction round and a flashback on 2006 some special people were honored. Sander, Theo and Rene' were praised for their enormous efforts in building up the clubhouse. Then it was up to Chris and his unique story about his SO prototype Sting Ray which he drove from the UK all they way to Wormer on mainland Europe.

The story of Chris drew everybody's attention since he explained in detail how it was found in a barn and that it is today the most unique Sting Ray splitwindow present in the world - and that all in Europe.

After the story of Chris the clubhouse was officially opened. Lunch was served around 12:30 by the people of the Riverside cafe.

The afternoon was all about the techsession during which Rob presented all the details on the body removal and drop procedures. Also the procedures on how the car is rebuilded was explained in details on the shopfloor where the 59 Crown Saphire C1 of Rob was put on display with body and chassis seperated.

At the end of the day it was time for champagne and we cheered on the new location and the start of the new season.
Click here to see a photo impression of this event.

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